Coaching can be tailored to meet your needs but it usually takes the following form;
The beginning…….
♦ A free ‘chemistry check’ for us both to see whether we both feel we can work with the other – it enables you to decide if I offer what you seek and equally it enables me to decide if you are really serious about taking this journey. It is not for the faint hearted, but it does offer fabulous rewards. We both put a lot of time and effort into this so I want to make sure you really want it
♦ Usually 6 x 1.5 hour sessions once every 4 to 6 weeks depending on your work and home commitments and how your journey of discovery progresses. Sometimes the gap is shorter and sometimes larger, we work that part out as we go.
♦ Access via telephone, email or text between sessions if you need it to tackle a specific issue or to prepare for something big
Resources highlighted or identified for you to support your growth
♦ Working on the focus you choose, we may come across other things along the way and its okay to ‘go there’ too if that is what is holding you back from being the best you can be
♦ Coaching can be face to face, via skype or telephone, whichever works best for you
♦ If your organisation is funding your coaching, it may be that your L & D Manager will want to have a check in with you at the end of the coaching to discover what it is that you gained from the experience so keeping some notes along the way of how you may have changed the way you do things can really help you to have a positive feedback session with them.
What can coaching help you to do….
♦ Develop your awareness of who you are being in the world, and who you are not!
♦ Increase your confidence in any number of environments, activities or with particular people
♦ Sharpen your focus about what you want and why you want it
♦ Become more impactful with conversations and activities
♦ Set and achieve goals, if they are what drive you forward
♦ Really get noticed in your career
♦ Have clarity about your career, life and ambition goals
♦ Stepping up your leadership or finding our who you are as a leader
♦ Planning to take a career break or return to the employment market from a career break
You found our site today because you are looking for something, if this is what you are looking for and now is the right time for you then talk to us today so we can begin that journey together. “if not now, when? If not you, who? (J F Kennedy and others)